or a Declaration of the glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ--God and Man:
with the infinite Wisdom, Love, and Power of God in the Contrivance and Constitution thereof;
as also,
of the Grounds and Reasons of His Incarnation;
the Nature of His Ministry in Heaven;
the Present State of the Church above thereon; and
the Use of His Person in Religion:
an Account and Vindication of the Honour, Worship, Faith, Love, and
Obedience due unto Him, in and from the Church.
By John Owen (1679)
"Yea doubtless, and I count all things [but] loss for the excellency
of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the
loss of all things, and do count them [but] dung, that I may win
Christ."--Philippians 3:8.
Prefatory Note The Preface Chapter I. Peter's Confession; Matt.16:16--Conceits of the Papists thereon--The Substance and Excellency of that Confession Chapter II. Opposition made unto the Church as built upon the Person of Christ Chapter III. The Person of Christ the most ineffable Effect of Divine Wisdom and Goodness--Thence the next Cause of all True Religion--In what sense it is so Chapter IV. To Person of Christ the Foundation of all the Counsels of God Chapter V. The Person of Christ the great Representative of God and his Will Chapter VI. The Person of Christ the great Repository of Sacred Truth-Its Relation thereunto. Chapter VII. Power and Efficacy Communicated unto the Office of Christ, for the Salvation of the Church, from his Person Chapter VIII. The Faith of the Church under the Old Testament in and concerning the Person of Christ Chapter IX. Honour due to the Person of Christ--The nature and Causes of it Chapter X. The Principle of the Assignation of Divine Honour unto the Person of Christ, in both the Branches of it; with is Faith in Him Chapter XI. Obedience unto Christ--The Nature and Causes of it Chapter XII. The especial Principle of Obedience unto the Person of Christ; which is Love--Its Truth and Reality Vindicated. Chapter XIII. The Nature, Operations, and Causes of Divine Love, as it respects the Person of Christ Chapter XIV. Motives unto the Love of Christ Chapter XV. Conformity unto Christ, and Following his Example Chapter XVI. An humble Inquiry into, and Prospect of, the infinite Wisdom of God, in the Constitution of the Person of Christ, and the Way of Salvation thereby Chapter XVII Other Evidences of Divine Wisdom in the Contrivance of the Work of Redemption in and by the Person of Christ, in Effects Evidencing a Condecency thereunto Chapter XVIII. The Nature of the Person of Christ, and the Hypostatical Union of his Natures Declared Chapter XIX. The Exaltation of Christ, with his Present state and Condition in Glory during the Continuance of his Mediatory Office. Chapter XX. The Exercise of the Mediatory Office of Christ in Heaven