Boehme's works are hard to understand because he uses terminology from borrowed from alchemy in a Christian way. It takes thought and study before you can understand his language. Some say some of his writings are heretical, but he also has had some very strong followers who have found his works inspired and very helpful. He is one of the most important figures in German mysticism, and he became an important figure in English mysticism after being translated and popularized by William Law.
These and other books still exhibit some centering bugs resulting from bugs in rtftohtml -- when I get that problem resolved, I'll re-convert the books on the archive.
[I'm making progress on the auto format conversions! All of the formats you find were generated from the RTF file with one "make" command. Still some bugs with centering, and spacing, though. Eventually, I'll use style sheets to achieve a better look. rtftohtml is used to generate the html files and netscape (via remote control) to convert to text.]
2/14/97 Added a one-volume compendium of Calvin's Commentaries, with organized by topic. Available as a multi-file HTML web. Also, a new version of Baxter's Saints' Rest, with some typos removed, set up as a multi-file HTML web. 1/20/97 Added a "Help wanted" document. 1/18/97 Added an HTML version of Josephus' works to the more books page. 1/17/97 Added a nice HTML version of the works of Josephus, to the "more books" page. Added another sermon of J. Edwards -- "Many Mansions". 1/11/97 Preliminary RTF markup guidelines for volunteers who convert text (or html) documents to RTF for the purposes of this archive are available at 1/7/97 Added 14 sermons by Jonathan Edwards, from What happened to my link to the George Whitefield sermons? Did I delete it accidentally? Or did I forget to add it? I don't know. Anyway, there's a linke to the Whitefield sermons now. 1/6/97 Added a new sermon from Jonathan Edwards --The Importance and Advantage of a Thorough Knowledge of Divine Truth, from Craig Woods. 1/5/97 Added to the "more books" page: Harriet N. Cook, The Scripture Alphabet of Animals, Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, W.M. Ramsay, St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen, Adam Clarke, Entire Sanctification, A. B. Bruce, Training of the Twelve. Added link from ccel main page to "The Life of the late Rev. Mr. John Flavel, minister of Dartmouth". 1/4/97 Added a new sermon from Jonathan Edwards -- Christ's Agony, contributed by Craig Woods. I also made an index page for Edwards' sermons. 1/2/97 I've had the complete set of Wesley sermons for some time now, the ccel home page pointed to the wrong index page. That's been corrected. 12/28/96 HTML versions of Boehme's Supersensual Life and Law's Spirit of Prayer and Spirit of Love. 12/19/96 Added a link to Dante's Divine Comedy. Added Andrew Thomson's Life of Dr. Owen, indexed on the "more books" page. Added links on the "more books" page to some creeds, catechisms, confessions, a church order and a liturgy. Added A sermon by Flavel, "Christ Altogether Lovely". I found it elsewhere on the web, and now I've forgotten where, but you can find it yourself with a search engine. 12/10/96 Added links in the main CCEL page to Cassian's Conferences, Augustine's City of God, which were already present in the Early Church Fathers series. Also added nicer indexes for the Whitefield sermons. 12/02/96 Loaded up the Online Bible CD-ROM that was given to me and copied all the files to It's not really set up yet for convenient access -- I'm not sure the files are presented in such a way that you can really install and use them. I'll work on this -- in the mean time, if you want to experiment, you're on your own. The CD-ROM is designed for windows 3.1 and has a program that claims to "fix most of the problems people have been having using this software under windows 95." Contents include: Thompsons Chain Ref, Strongs, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, 12 english translations, 30 non-english translations, Greek and Hebrew bibles, commentaries including Concise Matthew Henry, Geneva notes, Robertson Word Pictures, John Gill's exposition, Archaeological material, etc. Be warned: the entire package is a couple of hundred MB, but you don't need to download or install all the modules. HELP WANTED. If someone would be so kind as to create a readme file with instructions for selecting modules, downloading modules over the internet and installing, I'd appreciate it. I haven't tried the software, so I can't give help at this point. 11/23/96 Added History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a 4-vol set. 11/19/96 Added a link to the works of Josephus, to the "other resources" page. 11/15/96 Added the last three volumes of Gibbon's Decline and Fall, in in text format, from David Reed, to the "other works" page. 11/11/96 HTML version of Mysticism by Underhill and Theologia Germanica. These were converted automatically by rtftohtml 3.01; some bugs in the conversion configuration files have to be worked out yet. But I can just type "make" to re-do the conversion. 11/9/96 Master and Man, by Tolstoy, from the Tolstoy Library, 11/1/96 Lilith, by George Macdonaled, in nicely formatted HTML, from an unknown contributor. 10/29/96 Added vol. III of Gibbon's Decline and Fall, in text format, 1533k, from David Reed, to the "other works" page. 10/19/96 Sermon by Jonathan Edwards, "God's sovereignty in the salvation of men," contributed by Patrick Robinson. (I also changed the name of another of Edwards' sermons to "The end of the wicked contemplated" from "The Torments of the Wicked in Hell, No Occasion of Grief to the Saints in Heaven" -- the latter was really a subtitle. 10/17/96 Vol. II of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, text format, 1789k, from David Reed. Added to the "other works" page. 10/16/96 Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill, in RTF format. I'll convert it to HTML and text when I get a chance. 1889k. 10/11/96 Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol I of six, in a nicely formatted text file. From David Reed . The link is on the "more books" page. More volumes are said to be forthcoming. 10/9/96 Three more computer-generated HTML volumes of the Early Church Fathers: NPNF1-05, NPNF1-12, NPNF2-12. 10/7/96 A new version of Theologia Germanica. I've added preface, translator's notes, footnotes, etc. Only available in RTF at this time, HTML and Text when I can get rtf2html to handle it. Winhelp versions of the reaming volumes of the ECF series. 10/3/96 WinHelp versions of the first 6 volumes of the ECF series, from Maged Kamel. The rest are forthcoming. Added two works by Jonathan Edwards: Treatise on Grace, and a sermon entitled The Torments of the Wicked in Hell, No Occasion of Grief to the Saints in Heaven. Contributed by Craig Woods. 10/2/96 A nice HTML edition of the first volume of the Early Church Fathers series by Brian Guest, and programmatically-generated HTML versions of NPNF2-01, NPNF2-03, NPNF2-04, NPNF2-07, and NPNF2-10. Progress on the Early Church Fathers! 9/26/96 Sermon by Jonathan Edwards: "God Glorified in Man's Dependence," from the Banner of Truth Works volumes, contributed by Craig Woods. 9/19/96 Four volumes of the Early CHurch Fathers in HTML. Three of were done programmatically -- ANF-01, ANF-04, and NPNF1-02. One of them (NPNF2-11, Cassian et al) is a wonderful work by Liz Knuth complete with footnotes, proofreading, and some additions. The footnotes are even linked to the actual cross-reference, where possible! 9/12/96 HTML version of NPNF1-02, Augustine's City of God and On Christian Doctrine. 9/6/96 Added a sermon by Jonathan Edwards, "A Divine and Supernatural Light, immediately imparted to the soul by the spirit of God, Shown to be both scriptural and rational doctrine". Edwards' epistemology was far more accomodating to religious belief, far deeper in its understanding of faith as the evidence of things unseen, and (I think) far better than what is commonly found today. But a revolution in modern epistemology is underway... 9/3/96 Added Plotinus' Enneads and James' Varieties of Religious Experience, from a PD source. These texts are indexed on the secondary list mentioned below. 8/27/96 Re-arranged a bit; made a separate list of books that are not on the classics list ( Moved a couple of works to the not-quite-classic list (or classic and relevant but not Christian or not of the right sort for other reasons). Add links to a couple of off-site books to the secondary list, e.g. a Spanish critical edition of all of the works of John of the Cross and Theresa Avila. Eventually I'll set up a database of references so I can automatically construct various lists; for now, this not-quite-ideal setup. 8/13/96 Updated the FAQ. I'm on a partial vacation this month and I'll be very busy with teaching in September and October. I do have some books in the works, though--Calvin's commentaries on Acts and Romans, a volume of selections of Calvin's commentaries, and Evelyn Underhill's classic study "Mysticism". 8/10/96 Removed Tozer's Pursuit of God, after someone sent me a message saying that it is not in the public domain. 7/31/96 Added about 10 books by Tolstoy, from The Tolstoy Library,, email: Also some bibliographic and critical essays, which are not in the CCEL page at the moment but can be accessed by FTP. 7/29/96 Added D.L. Sayers' Catholic Tales and Christian Songs, scanned by John Ockerbloom, Added HTML versions of Guyon's Autobiography. Tried out RTFtoHTML 3.01--which looks great. I've also added HTML versions of several volumes of the Early Church Fathers over the past months. Added links to works by Benedict, Emerson, Woolman. 7/25/96 Added Foxe's Book of Martyrs, from a public-domain source. 7/3/96 HTML version of Paradise Lost, from a public-domain source. 6/20/96 Added Treatise Written to a Devout Man, by Walter Hilton, in HTML, with and without forms. 6/18/96 Added E.M. Bounds' classic Power through Prayer, scanned from the Baker reprint edition, in paged HTML. Added Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground, text format, from a well known source of plain vanilla ASCII etexts. 6/17/96 Added PDF version of Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1. 5/29/96 Added J.C. Robertson's Sketches of Church History... to the larger list (all.html). From James E. Kiefer 5/20/96 Added Flavel's "Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption; Owen's Of Communion with God, A Vindication of some Passages in a Discourse concerning Communion with God, and Two short Catechisms; Watson's Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments; and Calvin's commentary on Malachi in text and zip formats, from a contributor. 4/26/96 Added a Frequently Asked Questions document. 4/17/96 HTML version of HERETICS, courtesy Arthur Klassen 4/15/96 HTML version of Darby's Synopsis for Matthew, Mark, Luke, John 4/8/96 Added Flavel's "The Fountain of Life opened up:...", a collection of 42 sermons [1.4MB]. Added Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamozov and Crime and Punishment, as 2 and 1.4 MB text files respectively. There's a few hours' reading... 4/3/96 With all of that fine new disk space, I was able to add the excite search engine. Now you can search the entire archive. 4/1/96 Added text version of All of Grace by Spurgeon. Finished restoring WWSB after files (and recent backups) were deleted. Added 45 more links. 3/29/96 NEWS! Got the 4 gig hard drive. Now I can start adding things again. Added an html version of MacDonald's "At the Back of the North Wind." Also the Swiss Family Robinson, available from the "comprehensive" page. Also HTML version of ANF-03, one of the volumes of the early church fathers. 3/21/96 Working on separating the list into "all books" and "select classics". Added Luther's Preface to Romans to the all-books list. (The all books list is not yet reachable by any links.) Also lost most of the WWSB database recently--most of it can be re-created without too much difficulty, though. 3/7/96 Added new HTML version of Calvin's commentary on Genesis 1-23. 2/24/96 Added a text version of Calvin's _Institutes_, book 4; also Calvin's commentary on Haggai. WWSB now has about 12000 links. The CCEL server is getting 10,000-12,000 accesses per day. 2/19/96 HTML version of Darby's Synopsis--all of the NT except the gospels. 2/13/96 Added Heretics by GK Chesterton in text format, scanned by Martin Ward. 2/8/96 Added The Holy War and Grace Abounding by John Bunyan. Also added Pilgrim's Progress--both books 1 and 2. Previously it had been only book 1. 1/24/96 Added several works by William Law: An Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy An Appeal to all that Doubt the Truths of the Gospel The Nature and Extent of the Lord's Supper and Redemption The Way to Divine Knowlege Of Justification by Faith and Works A Collection of Letters on Several Occasions The Grounds and Reasons of Christian Regeneration The Spirit of Love The Spirit of Prayer All typed by Warner White (, 1/18/96 Added Teresa's Interior Castle, in RTF, scanned from the Peers translation; added Pursuit of God, by A. W. Tozer. 1/3/96 Added Rutherford, A Selection from his Letters, from anonymous contributor. Added a link to Summa Theologica from the New Advent Catholic web page. 1/2/96 Added a link to "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer. Installed revision of World Wide Study Bible--now based on a database, with 7898 links. Also, more volumes of the Early Church Fathers are appearing in HTML, but I'm not going to write them all in here. 12/12/95 HTML versions of Excellency of Christ by Edwards and 23 Tales by Tolstoy. 12/9/95 NPNF Series I, volume X, in HTML format. 12/5/95 Added The Saints' Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter, scanned and formatted by Brad Haugaard. 11/29/95 Added The Confession of St. Patrick, translated by Ludwig Bieler, scanned by Michael K. Johnson, and De Contemptu Mundi, by St. Eucheris of Lyons, Tr. Henry Vaughan, from The St. Pachomius Library. 11/22/95 Added the Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich, scanned by John Ockerbloom. 10/27/95 Added the entire Early Church Fathers--the significant writings of the Church up to the year 800. Most of the contents of 38 volumes is included, making up about 80 MB of data. From the Electronic Bible Society's first CD-ROM. These works all need to be split up into html files of up to about 50K--if you want to help out, please let me know. 10/24/95 Added The Club of Queer Trades, fiction by GK Chesterton, in HTML. 10/23/95 Added Calvins institutes, books 2 and 3. Also added Calvin's commentaries on Hebrews, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Zephaniah. All are text files from a single (prolific) source. I have also acquired the Electronic Bible Society CD-ROM, with the entire 39-volume church fathers. This will hopefully go on-line soon. 10/7/95 CCEL moved to Wheaton College. It is being served up by a (mostly) dedicated Sparcstation 5. Current access rate is approaching 10,000 accesses per day; I hope that the new server will support a 10-fold increase in access rate, which should be sufficient for the near future. Thanks to Wheaton College for providing the server. 9/15/95 Added proofread pdf, RTF versions of Theologia Germanica 9/14/95 Added nicely-formatted multi-file HTML versions of St. Teresa of Avila's Way and Life, from Roberto Pirastu. Searching won't work before the move to Wheaton college occurs.: 8/16/95 I've moved to Wheaton College. The CCEL will be moving in a couple of months. My new email address:, web site (not yet set up) will be and Added: four more volumes of Calvin's commentaries: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah. Text format. (Anyone want to convert them to HTML?) Also - Book 1 of Calvin's Institutes in text format. - On the Worship of God, John Owen, txt - Christologia, John Owen, txt 7/24/95 Added 1&2 Thessalonians to Darby's Synopsis, from Doug Nicolet 7/21/95 Added pdf versions of Teresa's Life, Ruysbroeck's Adornment, Tolstoy's 23 Tales, and Hilton's Ladder. 7/18/95 Added Wesley's hymnbook, from John Harris. The original, as well as some other methodist resources, on his home page, 7/11/95 Added HTML version of The Day Boy and the Night Girl by G. MacDonald courtesy Henry Churchyard. 7/10/95 Added the Life of Teresa of Avila, RTF version. Scanned from the Peers translation. 7/7/95 Added the entire collection of Wesley sermons, in html, indexed by number and by title. Text files from the Wesley Center for Applied Theology. 6/28/95 Added the Apocrypha to the WWSB (King James Version). 6/26/95 Added Calvin's commentary on Genesis (volume II), text version, from an anonymous contributor. 6/24/95 Added The Day Boy and the Night Girl, by George MacDonald, scanned by Tim Middleton. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. Two more sections of Darby's Synopsis of the whole Bible courtesy Doug Nicolet: 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. "The Christian's Great Interest" by William Guthrie, first published in 1668. Paged HTML version of A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, by William Law (highly recommended). (Finally got some time to catch up!) 6/14/95 Added St. Ephraim of Syria's "The Pearl" from teh St. Pachomius library. 6/6/95 Added a link to a German-English Parallel Bible, from Dieter Goebel 6/5/95 Added HTML version of Calvin's commentary on Genesis. One enormous HTML file--will try to page it later. 5/26/95 Added HTML version of "On the Incarnation" by St. Athanasius. Text version from Paul Halsall; html by Tim Hawes 5/24/95 Added quickie html version of the Way of Perfection by St. Teresa. Paged version to come. Put in parts of Darby's Synopsis of the Bible, a project in progress of Doug Nicolet. 5/9/95 Added text version of A brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity, by John Owen. Scanned by an anonymous contributor. 5/8/95 Added HTML version of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jim Milligan. Added Calvin's commentary on Genesis, scanned by an anonymous contributor. 5/2/95 Added The Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila in RTF version, scanned from public domain Peers translation. Added On Christian Doctrine by St. Augustine, text version. From an anonymous contributor. 4/6/95 Added The Doctrine of Justification by Faith and Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect, by John Owen, scanned from a Banner of Truth facsimile edition by an anonymous contributor. 4/5/95 Added Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, by John Calvin, scanned from an uncopyrighted Eerdmans edition by another anonymous contributor. 3/30/95 Added text version of "The Supersensual Life," by Jacob Boehme, scanned by John Richards. 3/29/95 Added text version of _Theologia Germanica_, from an 1893 edition, courtesy John Richards. 3/27/95 Added Twenty-Three Tales by Tolstoy, initially in RTF format. Scanned from 1907 edition. Also Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, text version typed by Brad Haugaard. 3/24/95 Added Walter Hilton's Scale (or Ladder) of Perfection, initially in RTF format. Added a proofread RTF version of Law's Serious Call. 3/21/95 Added The Light Princess, by George MacDonald, from Michael K. Johnson. 3/7/95 Added hypertext table of contents and better paging to Augustine's confessions. 3/3/95 New version of The Spiritual Exercises. Now it has a good, paged table of contents. 2/21/95 The Anonymous Assistant strikes again, this time with an HTML version of Till He Come. Take a look--these are very inspiring communion meditations. 2/18/95 Added acrobat versions (pdf) of many of the books. Get your own free Acrobat Reader v2.0 from Adobe ( 2/10/95 Added a collection of sermons by John Wesley, from the Memorial University of Newfoundland gopher. 1/31/95 Added paged HTML version of Wisdom of Father Brown, formated by the dreaded Anonymous Assistant. 1/30/95 Modified Innocence to use the pager on individual stories. 1/27/95 Fixed Enchiridion (Handbook on Faith, Hope, Love) footnotes. Fixed imagemapping pointer to "Practice of presence". 1/26/95 Added A Spiritual Canticle by St. John of the Cross. Available with and without modernization of the text by updating Thee's and Thou's, etc. 1/20/95 Added the World Wide Study Bible initial verison. 1/17/95 Added HTML version of The Innocence of Father Brown, formatted by an anonymous assistant. 1/16/95 Added the Autobiography of George Fox, in text, HTML, and RTF formats. 1/11/95 Added a pointer on the CCEL page to the (experimental) vocal music web, maintained by Greg Scheer. 1/3/95 Added Dialog of Catherine of Siena, in text, RTF, and paged HTML. The language has been modernized by eliminating the "thee and thou" case. 12/21/94 Added paged HTML version of "Of Prayer" by John Calvin, with illustration and active outline. Added "The Innocence of Father Brown," from an unnamed but well-known source of public domain plain vanilla ascii etexts. 12/20/94 Fixed cross references in Easton's Bible Dictionary 12/19/94 Paged HTML version of Religious Affections. Very long but very worthwhile. 12/16/94 Paged HTML version of The Practice of the Presence. 12/14/94 Paged HTML version of The Man Who Was Thursday. Fixed footnotes in Confessions, Uniformity. Revised hypercard edition of the Confessions. Minor tweak to pager.cgi. 12/4/94 Added a modern translation of The Imitation of Christ, available in RTF, text, and paged HTML. This is the book I've been most eager to offer. Now you see why I didn't ever finish proofreading and formatting those other translations. Scanned from a 1940 edition whose copyright was not renewed. 11/29/94 Removed the encyclicals. These are archived and nicely indexed at the archive of Catholic documents. Try 11/23/94 Added "The Necessity of Prayer," by E.M. Bounds, in RTF, text, and paged HTML versions. Scanned from an uncopyrighted Baker Book House edition. 11/22/94 Added pointers in the index page for 150 Papal Encyclicals from a local BBS. Since these aren't really a perfect fit for the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, they may be here only temporarily, especially if another internet archive stores them and indexes them nicely. 11/21/94 Added Hypercard expanded book version of Pusey's translation of Augustine's confessions. 11/18/94 Made the index page for Easton's Bible Dictionary hierarchical and used pager to access individual definitions. Still lots of work to do on ebd, though. 11/7/94 Paged HTML version of On Loving God by St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Text version from Paul Halsall . 10/28/94 Paged HTML version of Enchiridion (Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love). 10/25/94 Fixed footnotes in Augustine's Confessions. 10/24/94 Text version of Ascent of Mount Carmel. Thanks to Mark Stevens. 10/14/94 Paged HTML version of uniformity. Hey, this pager business seems to be pretty nice. 10/13/94 Development version of pager script. Spiritual exercises set up for paging. Bug reports and suggestions to Added cover page for "confessions". Set up access to the confessions through the pager, though footnotes are not yet working. In this case, one book per page, but it's better than the whole thing in one document... 10/7/94 Changes to Matthew Henry Commentary: accepts lower case references, accepts references without chapter number 10/5/94 Preliminary HTML version of Easton's Bible Dictionary. No searching yet. (Or should I call it "The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Without Illustrations"? 9/30/94 Added "Wisdom of Father Brown" by G. K. Chesterton, from Add subject/author index. 9/29/94 Fixed a couple of bugs in the Matthew Henry Commentary. Made it possible to access the commentary even if you don't have forms. Perl program used to format the commentary into HTML is also now available, as Wow, perl may get the job done, but it sure is ugly... 9/26/94 Added text version of Ruysbroeck's _Adornment..._. 9/24/94 Added development version of The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary. It is accessed from the (also new) Reference bookshelf. Still under development--report any bugs to 9/20/94 Added file formats information page. Started work on reference bookshelf. (Big step for me-->first pointer to off-site document!) 9/15/94 Added HTML version and cover page for "Ascent of Mount Carmel" by St. John of the Cross (thanks to John Ockerbloom). Also added an experimental web on choral music, including hymns and classics, with words, midi files, quicktime movies, and gif and postscript files of music. If you want to give feedback and suggestions, you can give it a try at "". At this point it is mainly a skeleton for evaluation--would it be useful to you? 9/12/94 Added "The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage and other works" by John of Ruysbroeck, 12th century Flemish mystic. Translated by C.A. Wynschenk, introduction by Evelyn Underhill. Published 1916 by Dent in London. International copyright unknown (when did Wynschenk die?). Download in the US only, please. Filename adornment1.0.RTF. 9/6/94 Added "this morning" and "this evening" buttons to Spurgeon's Morning and Evening. Put them in your hot list! Also, a 1-file html version of Morning and Evening with section anchors and proper italics. 9/2/94 Added top-level "tools" directory, and in it, a tool that is supposed to be able to display RTF files on unix/motif. I haven't been able to test it. Anyone have success? 8/25/94 Added "Religious Affections" by Jonathan Edwards. Scanned from the 1851 printing of the Worcester edition. Text and RTF versions available. Added recommended readings bookshelf. 8/24/94 Added Greg Scheer's Winter 94 choral music catalog. It is located in ../music/scheer/00WINTER_94_CATALOG. 8/19/94 Added text version of "On Prayer". Revised HTML version of Dark Night and added cover page. 8/17/94 Added "On Prayer" by John Calvin, Book III chapter XX of the Institutes, prayer0.9.RTF. Scanned from Beveridge's 1845 translation; edited by James Keiffer and Harry Plantinga. 8/15/94 Added text version and html cover page for "Absent from the Body." 8/10/94 Added text version of Dark Night. 8/9/94 Added Light, Life, and Love, by W. R. Inge, light_life_love1.0.RTF. Scanned from a 1904 Methuen & Co. (London) edition. Public domain in the US, but international copyright unknown. Please do not download outside the US. If anyone knows how to determine the international copyright status, let me know ( 8/8/94 Added Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, by John Milton. Retrieved from Wiretap. Edited Exercises cover page. 8/5/94 Added Uniformity postscript version. Added text version of The Man Who Was Thursday. 8/2/94 Split out "Death's Duel" from Donne's Devotions, and added it as a separate book. Cleaned up formatting of HTML Devotions, added cover pic. 8/1/94 Added HTML version of THe Man who was Thursday and Dark Night of the Soul, courtesy John.Ockerbloom@GS1.SP.CS.CMU.EDU. Added absent_body1.0.RTF, Absent from the Body, a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. 7/21/94 Revised Spiritual Exercises HTML format, to include a table of contents and to clean up the formatting some. Added text version and info page for Uniformity. 7/20/94 Removed Thornton's "Fruits of the Spirit" from the HTML index. This is believed to represent an increase in the average quality of the texts listed in the index. (It's still available via FTP.) 7/19/94 Added "Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross, in RTF format, dark_night0.9.RTF. Scanned from uncopyrighted 1959 Image Books edition. Two great titles in two short days for one low price! Also finished HTML author index--you can access most everything from the web. Added info for two books: "The Man who was Thursday" and "Fruits of the Spirit". 7/18/94 Added "The Man Who Was Thursday," by G. K. Chesterton. Published in the US in 1960 without a copyright notice. "A wild, mad, hilarious, and profoundly moving tale." thursday1.0.RTF. Removed "Practice of the Presence"--uncertain of copyright status. Reorganized archive: now you can access most every book from the "books" (alias HTML) subdirectory. 7/15/94 Added an HTML version of "On the Christian Life." 7/14/94 Added a text version of "On the Christian Life," by John Calvin. 7/13/94 Added "On the Christian Life," by John Calvin, actually Book III, Chapters VI to X, in RTF/calvin/christian_life.RTF. Deleted pdf files. Only 4 downloads, and some of them were by me. 7/12/94 Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises is the most popular work! Surprised me anyway. Added a postscript version of the _Exercises_. 7/8/94 Added Morning and Evening, by C. H. Spurgeon, in HTML multi-file format. 7/5/94 Added "The Practice of the Presence of God," by Brother Lawrence, in text/bro_lawrence/practice_of_presence.txt; "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life," by William Law, in text/law/a_serious_call.txt; a collection of hymns edited by John Wesley, in ../music/john_wesley/hymns.txt. These documents were scanned by John Harris, Bristol, England. 7/1/94 Added Ascent of Mt. Carmel, by St. John of the Cross. In RTF/john_of_the_cross/ascent_of_mt_carmel0.0.RTF. One of the all-time classics of mystical theology by "the greatest of all mystical theologians" (Thomas Merton). 6/22/94 Two Charles Wesley hymn texts: Christ, Whose Glory fills the skies; God of my life, whose gracious power 6/21/94 Two Charles Wesley hymn texts: Love divine, all loves excelling; Jesus, Lover of my soul. 6/20/94 Two Charles Wesley hymn texts: O for a thousand tongues to sing; Rejoice, the Lord is King! 6/17/94 Two Charles Wesley hymn texts: Suffering Son of Man, be Near me; Christ the Lord is risen today. 6/16/94 Two Charles Wesley hymn texts in ../music/classic_hymns/charles_wesley. Come Thou long expected Jesus; Hark! the herald Angels sing. 6/8/94 (back from vacation!) Uploaded all_of_grace1.0.RTF.gz, a proof-read version of Spurgeon's All of Grace. 5/26/94 Uploaded text version of Till He Come, till1.0.txt. 5/23/94 Uploaded new version of kempis_imitation.HTML (still one file though). 5/20/94 Uploaded uniformity1.0.RTF. 5/17/94 Uploaded uniformity0.8.RTF, "Uniformity With God's Will," by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri. This is scanned from an uncopyrighted 1977 edition published by Tan Books in the US. Uploaded exercises1.0.RTF, "The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola." 5/12/94 Uploaded confessions_outler1.0.pdf 5/11/94 Uploaded donne_devotions1.1.pdf and chesterton_orthodoxy1.0.pdf. PDF is a reasonably nice file format--even with hyperlinks. But does anyone use it? 5/10/94 Uploaded Exercises0.2.RTF, The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Scanned from a 1914 New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons edition. Added copyright info for Orthodoxy. 5/5/94 Uploaded new version of Spurgeon's Till He Come: RTF/spurgeon/till_he_come1.0.RTF. Uploaded Hooker's "A learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and how the Foundation of Faith is Overthrown," from Christia listserv. 5/3/94 Added some copyright info to 00Abstracts file. Advertised the setext books in comp.sys.mac.misc. 4/29/94 Added RTF/spurgeon/Till_He_Come0.5.RTF.gz. A collection of communion meditations. About 1/2 proofread. 4/28/94 Added a collection of books in setext format and Easy View 2.44 viewer. An experiment with another bookreading platform. In the macintosh/setext directory. 4/26/94 Replace chesterton_orthodoxy.html with a revised version, split up into chapters. 4/25/94 Added text/edwards/Excellence_of_Christ.txt, a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. (From christia listserv). 4/22/94 Added draft HTML versions of Orthodoxy, Imitation of Christ, and Donne's Devotions. Also added norwind.txt (from wiretap). 4/21/94 Added source code for two Newton books and a postscript version of All of Grace. 4/15/94 Added All_of_Grace0.2.RTF. 4/13/94 Added If Monks had Macs hypercard stacks from sumex. 4/12/94 Added Donne's Devotions v1.1 in RTF form. 4/8/94 Set up wu-ftpd logging ftpd server.
This document (last modified February 12, 1998) from the Christian Classics Electronic Library server, at @Wheaton College